16 Aralık 2016 Cuma


   William Shakespeare .He is one of the world-famous poet and playwriter.He is also one of the most prominent poets in English literature . Although his works are transmitted one generation to another even today , we do not have much information about his life.Let us take a brief look into his life.
   William Shakespeare  was born and grew up in middle-class family.He was also well-educated.I think if he did not have so good education , he could not have written such influential works.He criticized a lot in the years when his career first start .He had a successful life.He was not loved by his colleagues  at first ,but finally , they had to accept his existence .
   Fascinatingly , he had no work that was published while he was living.In addition to these things, even today , there are a lot of speculations about Shakespeare.As there is no proof about his life , the opposite view is not being proved.He also wrote today’s cult works such as Romeo and Juliet .Shakespeare was a good researcher , he read unceasingly along his life.Shakespeare not only benefited from the cultural heritage of his country in his works , he also benefited from cultures in ancient times and the culture of Northern people.
   The influence of Shakespeare is continuing in the World even today.His plays was translated into important languages  and his plays were exhibited much more than the other writers.He is also commemorated as ‘the national poet of Britain’.

6 Aralık 2016 Salı


Renaissance is a period that occurred innovations in science , arts and literature in 14th century.It emerged from Italy and quickly spread the Europe in the same century.Renaissance means "rebirth".Chronologically, it takes place after Middle ages , maybe for that reason it is also called "The Age of Enlightenment".After Renaissance nothing stayed the same. The results of Renaissance can be divided as : social results , religious results and scientific results .

Let's give some examples about social life .Before the Renaissance , there was an economical  cliff between noble family and the ordinary people .After the Renaissance these two parts of society became closer.Besides , another important result of Renaissance is the European people made progress in all areas and gained supremacy in international area.Besides, architecture developed.

Judging from the religious view , there were considerable changes in that period.As you know , in Medieval periods , the Church was the only power .Nobody could  say something after the priest.But after the Renaissance ,the pressure of Church stood.With the development of free thinking , people began to criticise one another even the Priests.Now that, people can free thinking.What a nice progress ! And naturally, scientific ideas took place the compeller church force.People began not to trust the Priests because their speeches was not relevant the Bible.(People could understand with the help of printing press ).

Maybe the most important area is the scientific area in that period.There was really significant progresses .In Europe , there was a new understanding of science , literature and fine arts became dominant .New ideas and works arose.In addition to these, new languages developed , the concept of " national literature" emerged in that period.Moreover , people adopted "humanism".Humanist people believed that everything in the World is made for the human beings and they emphasized on man .

Shortly , in  Middle Ages, human beings could not record progress in scientific , social or other areas. As you know after that Dark Period , Renaissance became the light for all people. And they used that chance appropriately and got on .Fortunately , around the 14. century , God gave a chance to man , but we don't know whether  God will give the second chance to us  in 21. century or not ...