22 Ekim 2016 Cumartesi


                                                        THE EXCALİBUR
     Legends…In other words,magical events.Throughout the history,people have believed the legends.There is no evidence about this events.They have been produced from peoples’ imagination,maybe,they were actually came true.Nevertheless,about this issue,nobody can say exact thing.Who knows,maybe centuries ago,the World was more liveable place…
     In  World  history ,there has been thousands of legends.Each nation has own legends according to their beliefs and culture.Today I want to talk about The Excalibur, in other saying ,”magicial sword”.Centuries ago ,in Britain,and also completely in the earth,the chaos was dominated.The humanity were getting worse and worse..By the way ,according to legend,there was not only people in the earth surface, but also witches,fairies and elves.The concept of “favor” was about to lost.
     According to the legend,the soul of the Sacred Lake was searching for the solution.Ultimately,she gave the commandment to fairies to do sword that represents the real power.After that,reveals a sword that who can  has the power both himself and the power of the sword.And that sword,the Excalibur, was delivered to magician Merlin firstly.Merlin stabbed it into the rock.The sword was only pulled from the rock by a chosen person.

     After years,a student of Merlin ,Arthur, could pulled from this sword from the rock.And after this moment, nothing would be the same for Arthur.Now that , He would be the most glorious king of Britain.Merlin taught to him the power of the sword.The power of Excalibur was based on love , peace and justice.As I said before,Arthur was a chosen person.The rest of his life , he lived so many trouble but he could succesfully overcame them.

     As a decision,the thing what the Excalibur was symbolized,was actually being aware of the power within ourselves.How do we use this power is depends on our knowledge.If we want , we can do anything , even the hardest one…

6 yorum:

  1. I love your writening ,you are told very well :)

  2. You greatly explain legends. This may be a essential essay.

  3. Elif, I really liked this article. Your sentences are so good and meaningful, especially the last one. Keep going! :))))))))

  4. It's a bit long but good work. Before I read, I checked the meaning of the article. Because I didn't know about it. Then I looked for it. And it means a kind of "sword" I think. So I liked your text.
