29 Ekim 2016 Cumartesi



   Since Adam and Eve , women has been the indespensable component of humanity.As of the Primitive periods, no matter what the nationality were ,attitude towards women has been equal with attitude towards animals.  In middle ages ,nothing has been changed, of course.Women were regarded  as parasites.What a pity…Nevertheless,they did not give up.They ,whenever possible,took place all parts of life.However their life conditions were pretty hard in terms of casual, legal and social positions.
   As in other issues women were not free in that period except for a situation.Devoting herself to religion.Accordingly,until the specific times,they played an active role in spreading the Christianity.It was not permitted to be literate to them.As casual, they were like a servant.I’ll say before I forget, women were  regarding as sexual object in that times.The other things that they did were,sewing,washing the dishes and looking after their childs.
   From legal aspect, they had no rights , of course.In case of a case, the decide was usually against women.Another example, the testimony of woman was not accepted.Isn’t it a horrible situation ?! As you can imagine they could not a role in country management.In accordance to these events ,saying “animals had more rights than women  in that time” is not a wrong sentence.
   In that times, girls were made to be marry.Without asking her,her parents gave the decision. By the way, the  girl was only 15 years old.In other words, primitive behaviours…Additionally, the marriage represented freedom for men, dependency for women.Besides, some women were dealing with magic.And ın such an environment, ıt was not expected from men regarding this as a normal thing.There is no necessity to say that , they killed the thousands of women with burning.
   Briefly,throughtout history ,the viewpoint of the looking women  has not  been changed.Eventually, in the last centuries some movements arose.Women obtained their rights .It came true ,finally.They came fighting these times.As I said before , they did not give up.They proved that women can do anything that men were doing.Saying  "We Can Do It ! "

2 yorum:

  1. I like your article and tone Elif . As you said , women are indespensable component of our society.Contradiction of this sencente is impossible I think .

  2. It doesn't matter which era they live, women always have the hardest role in the life. You pointed out significant issue of the lecture. I really liked it.
