16 Aralık 2016 Cuma


   William Shakespeare .He is one of the world-famous poet and playwriter.He is also one of the most prominent poets in English literature . Although his works are transmitted one generation to another even today , we do not have much information about his life.Let us take a brief look into his life.
   William Shakespeare  was born and grew up in middle-class family.He was also well-educated.I think if he did not have so good education , he could not have written such influential works.He criticized a lot in the years when his career first start .He had a successful life.He was not loved by his colleagues  at first ,but finally , they had to accept his existence .
   Fascinatingly , he had no work that was published while he was living.In addition to these things, even today , there are a lot of speculations about Shakespeare.As there is no proof about his life , the opposite view is not being proved.He also wrote today’s cult works such as Romeo and Juliet .Shakespeare was a good researcher , he read unceasingly along his life.Shakespeare not only benefited from the cultural heritage of his country in his works , he also benefited from cultures in ancient times and the culture of Northern people.
   The influence of Shakespeare is continuing in the World even today.His plays was translated into important languages  and his plays were exhibited much more than the other writers.He is also commemorated as ‘the national poet of Britain’.

6 Aralık 2016 Salı


Renaissance is a period that occurred innovations in science , arts and literature in 14th century.It emerged from Italy and quickly spread the Europe in the same century.Renaissance means "rebirth".Chronologically, it takes place after Middle ages , maybe for that reason it is also called "The Age of Enlightenment".After Renaissance nothing stayed the same. The results of Renaissance can be divided as : social results , religious results and scientific results .

Let's give some examples about social life .Before the Renaissance , there was an economical  cliff between noble family and the ordinary people .After the Renaissance these two parts of society became closer.Besides , another important result of Renaissance is the European people made progress in all areas and gained supremacy in international area.Besides, architecture developed.

Judging from the religious view , there were considerable changes in that period.As you know , in Medieval periods , the Church was the only power .Nobody could  say something after the priest.But after the Renaissance ,the pressure of Church stood.With the development of free thinking , people began to criticise one another even the Priests.Now that, people can free thinking.What a nice progress ! And naturally, scientific ideas took place the compeller church force.People began not to trust the Priests because their speeches was not relevant the Bible.(People could understand with the help of printing press ).

Maybe the most important area is the scientific area in that period.There was really significant progresses .In Europe , there was a new understanding of science , literature and fine arts became dominant .New ideas and works arose.In addition to these, new languages developed , the concept of " national literature" emerged in that period.Moreover , people adopted "humanism".Humanist people believed that everything in the World is made for the human beings and they emphasized on man .

Shortly , in  Middle Ages, human beings could not record progress in scientific , social or other areas. As you know after that Dark Period , Renaissance became the light for all people. And they used that chance appropriately and got on .Fortunately , around the 14. century , God gave a chance to man , but we don't know whether  God will give the second chance to us  in 21. century or not ...

11 Kasım 2016 Cuma


   The tale that we’ve read was interesting .As the writer said in the story, in that time elves and fairies were lurking around everywhere with people and this was normal thing .Nevertheless , in that century ,  we can not see like these creatures.Because they don’t exist anymore.Of course that is a tale  , extraordinary events may be come true but there is a thing that I can not accept.As you know ,one day ,one of the Kıng Arthur’s knights raped woman violently . And at the end of the story ,the Knight will be happy.
As I said before, it was really great story except for its ending.It would be different .So,in that times,regardless of the statute, you may be Knight or a peasant,raping woman is not tolerable.It would be trivial but I believe that , a rapist does not deserve being happy, even in  the story.The story would be end when the Knight married to the old and ugly women .Raping should not  go unpunished.

   Judging from another point of view,this is a tale , right? And in that story , raping woman and at the end being happy is not ethic.Firstly ,let’s accept it.People tell the stories their children.Every tale has a lesson.When parents tell the story to children, this things settles into the children’s subconscious .And in progress of time ,like these things will be normal for new generation.They will think that '' I can do anyone whatever I want but I deserve  everything  best .''That is completely  wrong.And  if it is goes like  that, I’m concerned  about  the  new  generation,I’m sorry.
To  sum   up , if  the  story  had  shorther , it  would be beter both  ethical  and  more  rational, in  my opinion.So we  have  no  right  to  threaten  children’s  unsoiled brains.Hopefully…

5 Kasım 2016 Cumartesi


   The Canterbury Tales was written by Geoffrey Chaucer in 14. Century.It is composed of tales that pilgrims tell each other during the journey in order not to be bored.In terms of being the first work in English , it has great importance.Furthermore , it is said that , Chaucer had read many important works and wrote the Canterbury tales  in the trait of these works.Nevertheless, that is just a rumor , so the accuracy of the situation is not known properly.Whatever, we will examine two of the characters of the Canterbury Tales which I really liked.These are the Haberdasher and the Doctor.
   In that story , there was a Haberdasher .In detailed way , they were a hatmaker, a carpenter,a weaver,a clothing dyer and a tapestry maker.I think they are neither so wealthy nor so poor.They were in the middle of them .They were not stupid people ,on the contrary, they were all wise enough . All of their work were different but all of them was belonged to same union . Interestingly,their clothes were the same .Their wives had important role in their lifes because being single or married position was efficient,without no doubt.

  In that story there was another character that I liked,of course he was the Doctor.As you know , it was a medical doctor.If I had lived in that times , I would have adored him.His knowledge was not limited to medicine.He also interested in astrology and movements of Sun and Planets .He could easily cure his patients.Additionally, he didn’t eat too much ,he ate simple and  nutritious .Maybe therefore, he was such a healty man.And maybe being a healty person is not difficult .Easy thing : Eat less.He had so many positive attitudes that, saying all of them is not possible.Lastly,he mostly read Bible.Maybe he had divine power , who knows…

   To sum up ,I liked the whole story but the six characters had a different attractiveness for me.It may be a tale but it may not be , as you know.I believe that all of the characters in tale are representing different things in the World.But for us ,the essential thing is  to see it …

29 Ekim 2016 Cumartesi



   Since Adam and Eve , women has been the indespensable component of humanity.As of the Primitive periods, no matter what the nationality were ,attitude towards women has been equal with attitude towards animals.  In middle ages ,nothing has been changed, of course.Women were regarded  as parasites.What a pity…Nevertheless,they did not give up.They ,whenever possible,took place all parts of life.However their life conditions were pretty hard in terms of casual, legal and social positions.
   As in other issues women were not free in that period except for a situation.Devoting herself to religion.Accordingly,until the specific times,they played an active role in spreading the Christianity.It was not permitted to be literate to them.As casual, they were like a servant.I’ll say before I forget, women were  regarding as sexual object in that times.The other things that they did were,sewing,washing the dishes and looking after their childs.
   From legal aspect, they had no rights , of course.In case of a case, the decide was usually against women.Another example, the testimony of woman was not accepted.Isn’t it a horrible situation ?! As you can imagine they could not a role in country management.In accordance to these events ,saying “animals had more rights than women  in that time” is not a wrong sentence.
   In that times, girls were made to be marry.Without asking her,her parents gave the decision. By the way, the  girl was only 15 years old.In other words, primitive behaviours…Additionally, the marriage represented freedom for men, dependency for women.Besides, some women were dealing with magic.And ın such an environment, ıt was not expected from men regarding this as a normal thing.There is no necessity to say that , they killed the thousands of women with burning.
   Briefly,throughtout history ,the viewpoint of the looking women  has not  been changed.Eventually, in the last centuries some movements arose.Women obtained their rights .It came true ,finally.They came fighting these times.As I said before , they did not give up.They proved that women can do anything that men were doing.Saying  "We Can Do It ! "

22 Ekim 2016 Cumartesi


                                                        THE EXCALİBUR
     Legends…In other words,magical events.Throughout the history,people have believed the legends.There is no evidence about this events.They have been produced from peoples’ imagination,maybe,they were actually came true.Nevertheless,about this issue,nobody can say exact thing.Who knows,maybe centuries ago,the World was more liveable place…
     In  World  history ,there has been thousands of legends.Each nation has own legends according to their beliefs and culture.Today I want to talk about The Excalibur, in other saying ,”magicial sword”.Centuries ago ,in Britain,and also completely in the earth,the chaos was dominated.The humanity were getting worse and worse..By the way ,according to legend,there was not only people in the earth surface, but also witches,fairies and elves.The concept of “favor” was about to lost.
     According to the legend,the soul of the Sacred Lake was searching for the solution.Ultimately,she gave the commandment to fairies to do sword that represents the real power.After that,reveals a sword that who can  has the power both himself and the power of the sword.And that sword,the Excalibur, was delivered to magician Merlin firstly.Merlin stabbed it into the rock.The sword was only pulled from the rock by a chosen person.

     After years,a student of Merlin ,Arthur, could pulled from this sword from the rock.And after this moment, nothing would be the same for Arthur.Now that , He would be the most glorious king of Britain.Merlin taught to him the power of the sword.The power of Excalibur was based on love , peace and justice.As I said before,Arthur was a chosen person.The rest of his life , he lived so many trouble but he could succesfully overcame them.

     As a decision,the thing what the Excalibur was symbolized,was actually being aware of the power within ourselves.How do we use this power is depends on our knowledge.If we want , we can do anything , even the hardest one…

14 Ekim 2016 Cuma

A Nigerian Boy , Borno...

   I took this picture in 2012,when I was in Nigeria.His name was Borno.Borno Lawal.When I spoke with him ,Borno told to me his story.He was from  Lagos.Borno was just 8 years old but he was facing with the all difficulties of life.That was actually harrowing story.When you read this,I’m sure,you will fell sorry for him.
   To be honest, when I first see him , I read his eyes .There was just despair and cowardice in it.When he was 5 years old , his father died .And when Borno was 7 years old, his mother died ,too.You can say ‘’what a pity’’ but the story is just beginning.After he was orphan , his aunt,Degale,took over his expenses but there were Nigeria.İt was poor country ,the capital country of famine.Degale and her husband were very poor ,they couldn’t find even a bread. After the Borno’s coming to Delage’s home ,the situation had got worse.As there is no food anywhere , people got sick and become thinner.For instance ,when you look at the picture carefully ,you can count Borno’s ribs.
   When I took my camera from my bag , he rise his eyebrows .Hence, Borno had never seen a camera before in his life .After that,he made his move when he see a foreigner .Borno opened his hand to me , like waiting for food .Exactly that time , I was ashamed of myself.The next day , I gave him provisions.I firstly saw him happily.It was such a beautiful moment that I was about to cry.His hair was not combed , and messy .And ,as you see in the photo,Borno was seminude.As long as I look at his eyes , I was ashamed of mankind.I think that meanwhile,at the other side of the World , it was being talked  that how much prize of Iphone.This was a completely shame.I realized that there ,life was not fair.
   He was afraid of me until he knew me .After days we became friends.Yet still I couldn’t look at his eyes.Nevertheless,I was happy being with him.Borno was my single friend in Nigeria.Being contemporary people is not wearing expensive bags and shoes.Think these people while throwing something away.While one side of Earth was finding food and a sip of water,the other side was throwing away tons of foods.without sharing , there is no value in your hands.
   As a result ,Although he was completely in despair ,he smiled me once.After that ,I cried with happiness.Borno,you were what an  excellent boy.I tried to help you as much as I can .I came to Nigeria as a photographer ,I’m going as an  aware person.I’ll miss you so much my little friend…

                  ELİF DİLEK

8 Ekim 2016 Cumartesi


                                AS A LIFESTYLE : LITERATURE
     Literature is one of the most important components of life..Since the existing of human kind,the literature has been with us.Nevertheless ,before the year zero (0),people could only speaking.That’s why ,important events such as wars,natural disasters were forgotten in time .What a pity ! Luckily ,after the invention of writing,it became permanent.Without it, the life would be simple and monotonic.Literature is always with us for example as emotional,as historcal benefits ,and personal.
     Literature is an essential matter for me .As you know, length is not important in literature.A writer can write short or long,it’s up to her but the important matter is effectivity.Sometimes,I read 300 pages book , but sometimes I can find my emotions in just  a verse.The poet express my emotions clearly thanks to the literature.In other words,I think ,literature is the most beautiful way to share the feelings.
     As literature ,history is important for me ,too.I believe that my history constitute my future and also nations.That’s why ,in my opinion, literature and history are inseperable factors.For instance,historical events,traditional things of a nation must be permanent in order not to be forgotten.Here , literature becomes a part of event.As a kind of bridge, events are transferred from one generation to the other thanks to it.
     From my point of view, literature improves us.İt creates awareness.Apart from these, it gives us opportunity to look  the life from viewpoint of character.And also living the character’s life. That is wonderful,isn’t it ?Beyond these,literature assists us about empathy.If you don’t like literature,you don’t have to read world classics or 500 pages books.Read poems, short stories and many other things…At least books increase in your general knowledge. 
     As you can predict ,I am a reader,I love reading for hours and learning interesting things from literature.I strongly advise to kids , a small part of time you can read a goodwill behaviour from your book and practising in your life ? Wouldn’t be excellent ? It is worth a try !       

                                                                ELİF DİLEK  